Keep Christ With You Through It All
Our Slogan/Battle Cry/Mantra
“…but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect” 1 Peter 3:15 (ESV)
An informal fellowship with didactic presentations with Q&A. This year’s theme is “Challenges Against Christianity”.
Who(1) Are We?
We, Crystal and Dave, are Middle-Aged (Not that Young and Not that Old) Adults who are passionate about helping Young Adults be confident with their Christian beliefs. (Brief bios upon request 😊)
Who(2) is Our Audience?
Young Adults (aged 18 to 30 but we are flexible and exceptions can be made). We welcome all Christians and Respectful Seekers.
Saturday evenings (6:30 p.m. start, flexible end time), every 2 or 3 weeks according to the schedule. Social events may have alternate times.
Typically we meet in the Youth Room at Beach Corner Church. Social events can be in the community or sometimes at our home.
Why and How?
- By providing a routine meeting context for YAs / peers to meet, we hope to facilitate:
- Basic socialization / friendships
- Accountability Partners
- “Iron sharpening iron” (not just holiness but in knowledge and learning)
- By organically providing mentorship as desired / needed for issues face by Young Adults
- Equipping attendees with cognitive tools and knowledge to:
- Strengthen their own beliefs
- Enable them to better evangelize to others
- Enable them to withstand / repel attacks from hostile actors
- Provide a safe space (arena?) to ask challenging questions
- Developing leaders within the organization (Middle Agers of Tomorrow)
Contacts: Crystal (, 780-566-3076) or Dave (, 780-919-5881)